Non-metallic floor hardener is a ready to use mixture of cement, pigments, additives and hard aggregate. TOPPING 1 provides a hard wearing, non-metallic dry shake topping for monolithic floors. When sprinkled and trowelled into fresh wet concrete floors, it forms a colored, very wear resistant smooth surface.
Non-metallic floor hardener TOPPING 1 is used to produce abrasion resistant monolithic floor topping for surfacing concrete in:
- Warehouses
- Distribution centres
- Factories
- Manufacturing facilities
- Aircraft hangars
- Shopping malls
- Car parks
- Dust proof
- Abrasion resistant
- Good impact resistance
- Cost effective, long life floor
- Slip resistant surface possible
Application instructions
1. Substrate quality / Pre-treatment
- All substrates must be stable, intact, and free of any interfering contaminants, such as loose particles and garbag.
2. Application
- Non-metallic floor hardener TOPPING 1 should be applied in two stages using a dry shake method of uniformly broadcasting the product onto the surface of the freshly placed concrete.
- Broadcast 2/3 of the Non-metallic floor hardener TOPPING 1 onto the fresh concrete surface. broadcasted material into the surface evenly with a mechanical or manual after the hardener achieves a uniform moistened appearance.
- When the water sheen has again disappeared, broadcast the remaining 1/3 of the Non-metallic floor hardener TOPPING 1 onto the surface. Screed evenly the concrete surface in the same way as before.
- After the surface has achieved proper firmness, proceed with normal finishing procedures. Final finishing of the floor using the blades of a power float can be carried out when the floor has stiffened sufficiently so that damage will not cause.
- After the construction is completed, it is necessary to prevent the moisture from evaporating too fast, which may cause cracking. It can be opened for walking after 48 hours, and vehicles can be driven after at least 7 days.
3. Consumption
- 3 - 5 kg / m²
- It will depend on application method and concrete mix(w/c-ratio)
4. Cleaning of tools
- Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.
- Hardened / cured material can only be removed mechanically.



Packaging / Storage
TOPPING 1:30 kg/bucket
- Shelf Life:12 months from date of production if stored properly in original, unopened and undamaged sealed packaging
- Store dry at +5~+35 °C Protect from moisture, direct sunlight, flame sources and freezing.