EP - 101
EP-101 is a two-component solvent-based, low-viscosity epoxy primer that penetrates and fills concrete pores, providing an effective surface barrier against moisture migration, venting, and chemical infiltration. EP-101 penetrates into the concrete substrate to enhance adhesion and form a sufficiently strong base for subsequent coating.
- For priming concrete substrates, cement screeds and epoxy mortars.
- Binder for levelling mortars and mortar screeds.
- For low to medium absorbent substrates.
- Suitable for concrete, brick walls, metal and wood.
- Low viscosity
- Good penetration
- Excellent bond strength
- Easy application
- Reduces outgassing
- Re-strengthen weak substrate
Application Information

Application instructions
1. Substrate quality / Pre-treatment
- The concrete substrate must be sound and of sufficient compressive strength (minimum 211 kgf/cm²) with a minimum pull off strength of 15 kgf/cm².
- Substrate water content is less than 8%.
- Surface treatments or any friable areas of the subfloor must be mechanically removed.
- All substrates must be clean, dry and free of all contaminants such as dirt, oil, grease, coatings and surface treatments, etc.
2. Mixing
- EP-101 A is added to EP-101 B, mix continuously for 2~3 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved.
3. Application
- Apply EP-101 by brush, roller or squeegee.
- Note: A second application is recommended on high porosity, unsound or very absorbent substrates.
4. Consumption
- 0.2 - 0.3 kg / m²
- Note: This figure is theoretical and does not include for any additional material required due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level and wastage etc.
5. Cleaning of tools
- Clean all tools and application equipment with thinner immediately after use.
- Hardened and/or cured material can only be removed mechanically.



Technical Information

Packaging / Storage
EP-101 A: 16 kg / metal pail
EP-101 B: 4 kg / metal pail
- 6 months in the original, unopened containers at temperatures between +5 °C and +30 °C. Stored in a well ventilated area away from direct sunlight, flame sources and freezing.